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Monday, 18 April 2016

Eggface Favorite Avocado Recipes

It was the annual Fallbrook Avocado Festival yesterday. Fallbrook, California (a town over from me) is the Avocado Capital of the World. They host a food festival celebrating the green fruit (yep it's a fruit, basically a large berry) each year. We never miss it. They have avocado ice cream, cookies, fudge, oil, hand cream, all made from avocados. They have them stuffed, deep fried, smeared on burgers, topping hot dogs, you name it they put avocado on it or in it. They even have jewelry and furniture made from avocado wood. A few years back I bought an avocado wood necklace I always wear on festival day. This year, I stuck to buying a bag of fresh avocados. Hard to pass up at these prices...

Avocado Recipes Healthy Low Carb Protein

It was a gorgeous day and when we got home we spent some time on the patio enjoying it. I made a batch of guacamole and I served it with my Homemade Crunchy Cheese "Crackers."

Healthy Tips: Lighten up and protein pack your favorite guacamole recipe by mixing 1/2 Greek yogurt and 1/2 guacamole. Homemade Crunchy Cheese "Crackers" are great for dipper or more low carb dippers: cooked shrimp, cucumber slices, veggie sticks (bell pepper, celery, carrots, jicama)

Here's some more of my avocado favorites...

Bariatric Surgery Recipes WLS Food

Guacamole and with homemade Crunchy Cheese "Crackers"
Shelly's Mexican Scrambled Egg Bowl
Shelly's Tuna Caprese Stuffed Avocado
Shelly's Caprese Salad with Avocado
Shelly's Turkey, Cheese & Avocado Melted Cold Cut Rollup
Shelly's Sriracha Almond Chicken Salad Stuffed Avocado Melts
Shelly's Irish Avocado Dip
Shelly's Awesome Guacamole & Shrimp Cocktail

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