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Friday, 15 January 2016

Bento Box Lunches

Most days I am able to work from home. I especially love the days I am able to fill my bento box with some snacks and/or lunch and move my "office" to the patio. Thankfully I can do most anything from there unless it's raining (computers and water do not mix) or my neighbor's who have a workshop in their garage go on a band-saw kick (always during a conference call.) There are some occupational hazards to working from your patio though. Yesterday a huge piece of fried chicken dropped from the sky a few feet away. Seriously... a KFC looking breast portion.... scared the beejeebees out of me... too heavy for some bird flying overhead to carry I guess. Now I've heard of swinging chickens but I don't think they meant batter dipped with 11 secret herbs and spices.

These are a few of my most recent bento box lunches. Click on the highlighted links for recipes and resources...

Low Carb Weight Loss Surgery Protein Packed Fitness Health

Low Carb Weight Loss Surgery Protein Packed Fitness Health Eggface

Pink Box (top left): Leftover Grilled Chicken and Sliced Hard Boiled Eggs with Bagel Spice
Green Box (top right): Greek Yogurt Dip (Greek Yogurt and a sprinkle of Dill)
Blue Box (bottom left): Sliced Cucumber "Crackers" and Tomatoes
Orange Box (bottom right): Pecan Chocolate Chip Quest Bar Protein "Cookies" 

Low Carb Weight Loss Protein Packed Fitness Health Eggface

Pink Box (top left): Bacon and Green Onion Deviled Eggs
Green Box (top right): Tomatoes
Blue Box (bottom left): Cheesestick
Orange Box (bottom right): Pecan Apple Pie Quest Bar Protein "Cookies"

Low Carb Weight Loss Surgery Protein Packed Fitness Health

Pink Box (top left): a few Olives and Artichokes
Green Box (top right): Mozzarella Balls
Blue Box (bottom left): Grilled Ham & Cheese Melted Cold Cut Roll-up wrapped in Lettuce
Orange Box (bottom right): Pecan Chocolate Chip Quest Bar Protein "Cookies"

Low Carb Weight Loss Surgery Protein Packed Fitness Health

Pink Box (top left): Turkey Cubes and Sliced Cucumber "Crackers"
Green Box (top right): Greek Yogurt Dip (Greek Yogurt and a sprinkle of Dill)
Blue Box (bottom left): Shelly's Mini Apple Breakfast Loaf (Chai Spice Protein Version)
Orange Box (bottom right): Gruyere Cheese

Low Carb Weight Loss Surgery Protein Packed Fitness Health

More Bento Box lunches, FAQ's and an Online Source for them
My Bento Pinterest Page (Tons of Lunch Ideas)

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