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Thursday, 29 September 2016

Take Out Inspired Recipes for Post Weight Loss Surgery

Ordering pizza delivery, hitting the drive-thru for burgers, or stopping for Chinese or Mexican take-out was something that happened a little too often in my pre weight loss surgery years. I remember my orders at some of my favorite spots and I cringe when I think about how many calories, fat grams and carbs I consumed in a single meal sometimes half of them at stoplights in the car before I ever got home. Did you know... on average people consume an extra 200 calories per day and more fat and sodium when they eat out.

Next time you are wanting to "make a run for the border" or call in your order, consider making one of these protein packed, better for you, take-out inspired recipes at home: you'll know exactly what's in it, it's way cheaper, no tipping required and best of all... no need to put on a bra ;) Score.

When you feel like Italian:

Healthy Low Carb Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric RNY WLS VSG Recipes Cooking Food

Pizza Deviled Eggs, Italian Scrambled Egg Bowl, Pesto Fish Foil Packet Dinner, Meatball Stuffed Mushrooms, Chicken Pizza Supreme Saute, Strawberry Cannoli, Cauliflower Pie, My Ricotta Bake (Early Post-ops Fav), Caprese Chicken.

More Eggface Italian and Sicilian Food Favorite Recipes

When you feel like Sandwiches and Burgers:

New York Deli Food Low Carb Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric RNY WLS VSG Recipes Cooking

(Left to right, top to bottom) New York Bites (aka Pastrami & Swiss on Rye), Melted Cold Cut Roll-ups, Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Peppers, Bacon Onion Cheeseburger Mini MeatloafPhilly Cheese Steak Saute, Patty Melt Bites, Bacon Cheeseburger Deviled Eggs, Mushroom, Onion & Bacon Mini Meatloaf.

More Eggface Deli and "Sandwich" Inspired Favorite Recipes

When you feel like Mexican:

WLS RNY VSG Gastric Bypass Sleeve Recipes Cooking Food Blog

Mexican Scrambled Egg Bowl, Lettuce Cup Fish Tacos, Sand Dollar Cinnamon Churro Ricotta Pancakes, Chicken Fajita Foil Packet Dinner, Black Bean Burrito Bake (Tortilla-less), Shrimp and Guacamole, My knockoff of the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter World Famous Tortilla Soup, Lettuce Taco Bento Box Lunch, Individual Baked Green Chili Rellano Casserole.

More Eggface Mexican Food Favorite Recipes

When you feel like Chinese/Asian:

Asian Scrambled Egg Bowl, California Roll Salad (Riceless), Asian "Spaghetti & Meatballs", Egg Roll Bowl, Egg Foo Young Bites, Chinese Almond Cookie Custard, Chinese Almond Cookie Protein Ice Cream, Cauliflower Chicken Fried Rice (Riceless), Chinese New Year Soup.

More Eggface Asian Inspired Favorite Recipes

Drive thrus and take-out food are convenient and sometimes it's just the only option (life happens) especially when traveling. Here are some links to posts with tips that have helped me, hope they help you too:

Strategies for Eating Out Post Weight Loss Surgery
Weight Loss Surgery Post Ops Starbucks Survival Guide

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These are the contents we are learning in this unit .




Honey Mustard Pork Chops

Prep Time: 3 minutes
Cooking Time: 12 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 2

1 lb pork loin chops
1 Tbsp honey mustard
½ Tbsp honey
1/8 tsp garlic powder
1/8 tsp onion powder
Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Preheat the Indoor/Outdoor grill on setting 4.  
2. In a small bowl mix together the honey mustard, honey, garlic powder, onion powder and salt and pepper.
3. Pat pork loins dry with a paper towel and season with your favorite pork rub (I love a sweet and smoky rub to bring out the sweetness of the honey).
4. Place pork chops onto the preheated grill and place the lid on the grill. Grill for 5-7 minutes.
5. Flip pork chops and baste the grilled side with the honey mustard mix. Place the lid back on the grill and continue grilling for 3-4 minutes.
6. Flip the pork chops and baste the remaining side. Place the lid back on the grill and continue to cook for 1-2 more minutes.
7. Once the pork chops have reached an internal temperature of 135°F, take off the grill and let rest for 5 minutes, until the internal temperature reaches 145°F. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Nutrition for Maintaining Strength All Season Long

Some athletes who come in for a nutrition consult might have some kind of body composition goal - usually these athletes come in with the goal to gain lean mass (muscle) or lose fat mass. Body composition goals are set for many reasons, and may be related to improving performance, but many athletes aren't setting these goals at the right time of the year, so they're sacrificing their performance.

  • The off-season is a good time to solidify an eating routine with better nutrition habits, and to meet goals such as losing weight/body fat or gaining lean mass. 
  • Once the season starts, athletes should focus on maintaining their weight for the most part, but many athletes have a hard time with this because of their busy schedules and high energy needs
  • Some athletes work hard during the off-season to increase their muscle mass and strength, but end up losing weight throughout the season, which can result in losing that hard-earned lean mass, increase injury risk, cause fatigue, and decreased performance during the most competitive part of the season.
  • Some weight loss may be expected early in the season as the practice schedule may increase, but if athletes are skipping meals and failing to recover properly, they will likely run into problems later in the season. 
  • Other athletes might have a goal to lose weight during the season, but this is more easily done in the off-season or early in the season and athletes who want to lose weight often aren't advised on how to lose weight without sacrificing performance. 

Athletes can follow these 3 tips to maintain weight and strength and perform well all season long:

1) Start the day with a well-balanced breakfast.

Many young athletes can get into the habit of skipping meals, and claim it's because they're not hungry in the morning, don't have enough time, or just don't know what to eat.

Breakfast skippers usually can't make up for those calories they skipped by eating more later in the day, which isn't good news for keeping body weight stable and maintaining lean mass. Some athletes can make up for the calories, but they usually end up overeating the wrong things at meals, or grabbing any convenience foods they can find after they've gone too long without eating.

Choose a breakfast that contains carbohydrates (toast, oatmeal, whole grain cereal), protein (eggs, milk, Greek yogurt, peanut butter, nuts, meat), and a piece of fruit or vegetable for extra nutrition.

An easy breakfast that can be modified based on an athlete's nutrition needs is a fruit smoothie. To make an easy smoothie, add the following ingredients to a blender and enjoy:

-Fruit: 1 cup frozen blueberries, strawberries, or peaches or 1 banana (try freezing slices for a thicker smoothie)
-Protein: 1 cup plain Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or 1 scoop protein powder
-Healthy Fat: 1 Tbsp peanut butter, ground flax seeds, or chia seeds (adding extra nut butter/healthy fats helps add calories easily if athlete has experienced weight loss in the past)
-Liquid: 1-2 cups milk and/or water (milk adds protein + extra nutrients).
-Extras: Add a couple handfuls of spinach for some added nutrition. Ice cubes and frozen fruit will help make the smoothie colder/thicker. Adding oatmeal before blending will also add some fiber and make the smoothie thicker.

Smoothies are a great way to add nutrition easily (for instance, if you don't like vegetables, you can easily hide several handfuls of spinach in here...), and they're simple to make and modify based on your needs.

2) Choose energy-dense/high-calorie foods, but make sure they're high-quality foods as well!

Sports training and competition isn't an excuse to eat whatever you want. Instead, eating a meal or snack every few hours and choosing high-quality foods is a better way to get in plenty of calories and good nutrition during the day.

The best snacks contain a mix of carbohydrate + protein or fat, so instead of reaching for candy bars, fast food, cookies or sports bars and powders, grab a whole food option such as:

  • Apple and peanut butter
  • Mixed nuts and raisins
  • Small bowl of cereal
  • Greek yogurt with berries
  • Hardboiled eggs and hummus
  • String cheese and grapes
  • 1/2 a peanut butter and jelly
  • Tuna on whole grain crackers
For high calorie options, choose foods such as nuts and nut butters, avocado/guacamole, cheese, eggs, and whole fat dairy. Jill Castle, the dietitian and author behind the book "Eat Like a Champion" (great nutrition reference book for parents of young athletes) recommends that snacks be 100-250 calories to help athletes meet their overall calorie needs for the day, but also be high in nutrients to help kids meet their vitamin and mineral needs for the day. This is a good guideline when searching out snacks (containing a certain amount of calories, but also being high in nutrition) because, for example, 250 calories of apple and nut butter is going to contain a lot more nutrition than 250 calories of chips or cookies. 

3) Prioritize recovery

Athletes who prioritize post-workout recovery are the athletes who stay strong all season long, maintain their weight, and can continue to play at a high level.

Recovery should be an all-day process, but post-workout, athletes should focus on 3 things:

  • Hydrating with fluids and electrolytes: drink plenty of fluids post-workout/competition and monitor urine color (lighter = well hydrated). 
  • Refueling with carbohydrates (body weight divided by 2 in grams)
  • Repairing with protein (15-20 grams post-workout)
If athletes are going home after practice, they should aim to get a balanced dinner that contains some sort of protein (chicken, beef, fish, beans, eggs, dairy) and carbohydrates (whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta/spaghetti/noodles, or starches like potatoes and sweet potatoes). If they won't be home within an hour after practice or competition, the athlete should definitely pack a snack that contains a healthy carbohydrate and protein (see tip #2!) and eat a real meal whenever possible. 

4) Meet with a dietitian!

Athletes of all ages and from all sports can benefit from meeting with a dietitian. From picky eaters, to special dietary needs, to body composition goals and knowing how many calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat they need in a day - a dietitian can help athletes set a nutrition goal that will help them perform better in their sport. 

Make an appointment today with the Sanford Sports Science Institute Dietitian by calling 605-312-7878 or e-mail her any questions at Elizabeth.Kuckuk@SanfordHealth.org

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Post Weight Loss Surgery Menus: A day in my pouch

A day in my pouch is a series of blog posts to show what a typical daily menu looks like in my post weight loss surgery world. Yesterday's healthy and delicious menu...

Breakfast: If you are a carrot cake fan promise me you will make these. They are sooooo good. Pre weight loss surgery I used to frequent a Mexican restaurant in my town. They had carrot cake on their dessert menu, it was their signature dessert. One day I happened to look up the nutritional information on it and almost died... one slice was 910 calories, 52 grams of fat and 107 grams of carbs. A slice.... no joke! and I'd eat a slice after a meal of plenty of chips & salsa, a couple of tacos, rice, beans... and... I'd take an extra piece home for later. Eeek. So these pancakes give me my carrot cake fix and I don't have to walk the length of the Baja Peninsula to burn them off.

Sugarfree Sugar Free Healthy Breakfasts Low Carb WLS RNY VSG Bariatric Surgery Cooking Menus Food

Shelly's Carrot Cake Ricotta Pancakes

1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
1 Egg, beaten
1/4 cup Carrot, raw, shredded
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Cheesecake Pudding Mix, dry
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (SF Caramel or SF Brown Sugar Cinnamon)
3 Tablespoons Multigrain Pancake Mix

Optional Cream Cheese Topping: Mix together 2 Tablespoons Whipped Cream Cheese and 1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (Sugar Free Vanilla, SF Caramel or SF Brown Sugar Cinnamon), add a dash of Cinnamon and a sprinkle of chopped pecans.

Sugarfree Sugar Free Healthy Breakfasts Low Carb WLS RNY VSG Bariatric Surgery Cooking Menus Food

Mix all ingredients together. I use whole milk ricotta, if you use part skim, drain first. Spray pan with nonstick spray. Spoon a dollop of mixture in pan and pat flat. Cook on low till golden, flip, pat flat, cook till done. Serve each pancake with a drizzle of Cream Cheese Topping or warm Sugar Free Maple Syrup or they are really delicious plain. Makes 8 pancakes.

These can be frozen between slices of wax paper or kept in the fridge a day or 2 and reheated (nuke 25 seconds) for breakfast during the week. Surprising good cold too. Leftovers usually get some SF jam, almond or peanut butter smeared on them, wrapped in foil and they become a great breakfast-on-the-go.

Sugarfree Sugar Free Healthy Breakfasts Low Carb WLS RNY VSG Bariatric Surgery Cooking Menus Food

More Eggface Pancakes
More Healthy Breakfast Recipes and Ideas

Lunch: Leftovers. Shelly's Pepperoni and Olive Pizza Bites (aka Mini Crustless Quiche) these are a great Sunday Meal Prep type food (they are great reheated and last several days in the fridge.) They are also super kid friendly, in fact, have the kiddos help you make these.

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Low Carb RNY WLS VSG Food Menus Cooking

Shelly's Pepperoni and Olive Pizza Bites (aka Crustless Mini Quiches)

5 Eggs, beaten
2 Green Onions, diced
1/4 cup Black Olives, sliced
1/4 cup Tomatoes, diced (canned & drained or fresh)
Mini Pepperoni Slices (about 3 pieces per quiche)
1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese, shredded
1/4 cup Mozzarella Cheese, shredded
1 Tablespoon Oregano
a few twists of Black Pepper

Preheat oven to 350. Mix all ingredients together (except pepperoni). Spoon into lightly greased (non-stick cooking spray works great for this) mini muffin tin. Place approx. 3 mini pepperoni pieces in each quiche. Bake for 30 minutes at 350. Let them cool a few moments they pull away and pop right out. Makes 24.

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric RNY VSG Food Menus Cooking Low Carb Protein Fitness

More Healthy Lunch Recipes and Ideas

Dinner: We had our final #YWM2016 debrief meeting of the Your Weight Matters National Convention Committee. It gives everyone an opportunity to share their thoughts about the event while they are still fresh in our minds, a lot to cover and despite best efforts it ran about 20 minutes over so I was so glad I had most of this prepared before and just assembled it. We ate our little weight loss surgery friendly tidbits and watched a little mindless TV.

Low Carb Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Surgery WLS RNY VSG Gastric Bypass Recipes

Pictured: Cucumber Sticks, Caprese Skewers, Crunchy Cheese "Crackers" and 2 Greek Yogurt Dips: Hummus & Yogurt Dip (just equal parts plain Greek Yogurt & Hummus) and Greek Yogurt with this new Trader Joe's find mixed in to taste.

Product Cooking

Snacks: Too much coffee as usual and a Protein Shake before my meeting.

Chike Fitness Workout Weightloss Weight loss Surgery Bariatric RNY VSG WLS Food Recipes

Shelly's Chocolate Cinnamon Coffee Protein Shake

8 oz. Almond or Soy Milk (any milk will do)
1 scoop Chike Nutrition High Protein Iced Coffee (Mocha flavor)
dash of Cinnamon
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Chocolate Syrup
a few Ice Cubes

Blend on high till well combined. I topped it with No Sugar Added, Homemade Whipped Cream and a dash of Cinnamon.

More Eggface Protein Shakes and Smoothies
More Post Weight Loss Surgery Menus

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Zesty Black Bean Burger

Prep Time: 10 minutes plus 30 minutes of refrigeration
Cook Time: 6 minutes
Servings: 4


1 (15 oz.) can black beans, drained and rinsed (1/4 cup reserved)
1/3 cup plain hummus
½ cup dried Italian flavored bread crumbs
½ tsp. chili powder
Tzatziki sauce
1 garlic clove, minced
2 Tbsp. chopped cilantro
2 Tbsp. chopped parsley
1 Tbsp. diced sweet onion
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 tsp. salt
4 buns


Mix garlic, cilantro, parsley, onion and salt in medium bowl.
Mash 1 ½ cups beans in medium bowl, reserving ¼ cup whole bean for later use.
Add bread crumbs, hummus, chili powder and whole black beans; mix well.
Shape mixture into 4 (3-inch diameter) patties about ½-inch thick.
Cover and refrigerate 30-40 minutes.
Attach bottom grill plate to Grill & Broil.
Lightly oil plate and preheat on HIGH Broil at 400°F.
Place 2 patties on Grill & Broil for 6 to 8 minutes, turning over halfway through cooking.
Repeat for remaining patties.
Fill buns with patties topped with tzatziki sauce.

Tip: For more vegetable flavor and color, mix in your choice of diced bell peppers, corn, shredded zucchini or carrots

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Premier Protein Peaches and Caramel Baked Pancake

This post is sponsored by Premier Protein®. I'm excited to share this delicious, healthy breakfast recipe I created using the latest flavor of Premier Protein® shakes

Some days you just need a grab and go breakfast but on the weekend when you can spend a little more time this recipe is one to make. It's super simple (great one for the kiddo to help with) and easy clean-up but you do have to wait while it bakes and puffs up into this golden brown yumminess. I used the latest flavor of Premier Protein Ready to Drink Protein Shake: Caramel and a couple of beautiful peaches I picked up at the Farmer's Market yesterday.

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Cooking Blog Gastric Bypass Sleeve RNY VSG WLS Food

Shelly's Peaches and Caramel Baked Pancake

2 large Peaches, sliced
2 Eggs
1/4 cup Cottage Cheese
1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
3/4 cup Premier Protein Caramel Protein Shake
1/2 cup Multigrain Pancake Mix
1/4 cup Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup (Torani, Davinci, in the coffee aisle)

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Cooking Blog Gastric Bypass Sleeve RNY VSG WLS Food

Arrange sliced peaches in a baking dish, casserole or deep pie plate that has been sprayed with nonstick spray. I used a thrift shop score (I collect vintage Pyrex) but any size around 8x8x2 would work.

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Cooking Blog Gastric Bypass Sleeve RNY VSG WLS Food Eggface

Whiz the batter ingredients in a blender till smooth. Pour batter over top of the peaches.

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Cooking Blog Gastric Bypass Sleeve RNY VSG WLS Food Eggface

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Cooking Blog Gastric Bypass Sleeve RNY VSG WLS Food Eggface Blog

Bake at 425 for about 25 minutes, switch to broil for 3-4 minutes or until puffed and lightly golden brown on top.

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Cooking Blog Gastric Bypass Sleeve RNY VSG WLS Food

Serve a wedge warm with a drizzle of Sugar Free Maple Syrup or Homemade, No Sugar Added Whipped Cream. Serves 6-8.

Warm peaches, caramel, cinnamon... this was a delicious start to the day and bonus... it made the house smell ahhh-mazing. Hope you give this protein-packed Peaches and Caramel Baked Pancake a try!

If you are serving coffee with it...  Did you know you can use Premier Protein shakes as a coffee creamer too.

Weight Loss Surgery Fitness Workout Recipes Menus Food Blog

Weight Loss Surgery Fitness Healthy Breakfast Recipes Gastric Bypass Sleeve Protein Meals Menus

This post is sponsored by Premier Protein® #MyOneMore For the purposes of this post Premier Protein® provided me with products used. Thanks for the yummy shakes. Want to learn more about Premier Protein® products LIKE their Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram and tell them The World According to Eggface told you to stop by. 

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Saturday, 10 September 2016

Obesity Action Coalition Photo Gallery: Refocus Obesity!

This year at the Your Weight Matters National Convention attendees were given a sneak peak at the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) Image Gallery. The purpose of this gallery is to help refocus the perception of obesity and the way individuals affected by this chronic disease are depicted visually. All images are FREE.  

Obesity Health Weight Non Stigmatizing Bias Free Photos
© Obesity Action Coalition

The latest way the OAC is chipping away at the stigma and bias people affected by obesity face in the world. Have you ever glanced at a newspaper or online article about obesity chances are you have seen some of these photos used in them...

Yesterday, the Washington Post published an article about the OAC Gallery and this was my comment...
9/9/2016 3:20 PM PDT
I am sick of seeing the same photos of a headless someone sitting on a park bench in ill-fitted clothing next to a crumpled bag of fast food on EVERY. SINGLE. ARTICLE about obesity. It ignorantly simplifies what is a very complex issue and stigmatizes those affected by obesity. What other disease would we allow this to happen? Does every story about lung cancer have a person with a cigarette dangling from their mouth? No, of course not, because we know better, that would be stigmatizing, harmful and downright false and when you know better you do better. I hope media outlets utilize this gallery.
What I know... people affected by the disease of obesity are our Mom, Dad, best pal, firefighters, teachers, nurses, people who eat fast food and people who wouldn't touch the stuff with someone else's hand. We are people who dance, run and yes sometimes sit down on a park bench to eat lunch but we definitely all have a head ;) and we all deserve to be treated (and depicted through photos) with respect.

How I intend on spreading the word and I hope you will consider doing some of these too...

  • When I see an article that is using a stigmatizing photo I will comment online or write a letter to the editor or tweet a reply: As a person affected by obesity or as a reader of your paper or magazine (or website, tweets, posts, blog) I ask that you stop using stigmatizing images to depict people with obesity. Here is a source for free non-stigmatizing photos: http://www.obesityaction.org/oac-image-gallery
  • I will also spread the word about the OAC Gallery through posts and tweets (feel free to RT this one below):

  • When I see non-stigmatizing photos being used I will send a thank you and words of encouragement to continue doing the right thing

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Cool Product Alert: New Blueberry Muffin Quest Bar "Cookies"

Got my hands on some of the newest flavor of Quest protein bar: Blueberry Muffin. Verdict: yummy! It has little dried blueberries and the same graham chunks the S'mores bar has (if you've tried that one) I tasted it as is and then of course I had to turn them into "cookies" which I personally think is the best way to eat Quest bars. I love the portion control (1 bar = 8 cookies) because 2 cookies is always plenty for me but somehow I can eat more bar.... and some of the flavors I wasn't that fond of I tried again as "cookies" and I love them now. See the link below for how to make the cookies.

Here are the results...

Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Food RNY VSG Gastric Bypass Sleeve Recipes

Cooking Instructions: How to make Quest Protein Bar Cookies

An online source for the NEW Blueberry Bars and my favorite flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough too.

and I am giving a couple away in a Pop-up Instagram Giveaway (ends 9/10, winner announced 9/11) so go enter that.

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Greek Omelet for Two

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 2 (1/2 omelet each)


2 Tbsp. pesto sauce
¼ cup diced tomatoes
¼ cup crumbled feta cheese
2 eggs, beaten
2 Tbsp. milk
1 tsp. cooking oil
1 clove garlic, minced


Mix eggs and milk in small bowl, set aside.
Attach griddle plate to the Grill & Broil and preheat on LOW broil to 350°F.
Brush griddle with cooking oil. Add garlic and cook 1 minute.
Add egg mixture and broil 1 minute.
Spread pesto, tomatoes and half feta cheese down the center of egg mixture.
Broil 2-3 minutes or until eggs are set.
Using a plastic spatula, carefully fold both long edges of eggs towards center of pan to cover filling. Sprinkle remaining cheese over omelet and broil an additional 1 minute.
Cut omelet in half and remove from griddle.

Tip: Freeze leftover prepared pesto in ice cube trays. Once frozen, remove pesto cubes from ice tray and store in a resealable plastic storage bag. Add to recipes as needed.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Coffee Lovers Protein Packed Recipes Just For You

I made a coffee version of the Protein Balls I made the other day. I used Chike High Protein Iced Coffee. If you haven't tried it I highly recommend it. My favorite is the Mocha flavor. It's great with water but I prefer it with milk and a little ice and whizzed in the blender like a frappe (better than anything at Starbucks) and if you get your hands on some be sure to try the Protein Balls or one of these other fun recipes on the blog using it.

Shelly's Mocha Protein Balls

1/4 cup Quick Cook Oatmeal, dry
1/4 cup Chike High Protein Iced Coffee Protein Powder
1/4 cup Non-Fat Dry Milk, powder
1/4 cup Coconut Flour
2 Tablespoons Almond Butter
1/4 cup Sugar Free Torani Syrup (any will do but I used SF Vanilla)

Mix till well combined and sticky dough forms. You may have to adjust slightly if your almond butter is looser (I used fresh ground) just add a little more protein powder (any flavor will work) or if it's drier, add a little more SF syrup. Shape into quarter sized balls. Store in the fridge or freezer and pop out a few minutes to thaw before eating. Makes 14-18.

Bariatric Surgery VSG WLS RNY Food Menus Desserts Breakfasts Fitness Health Weight Loss Surgery

Shelly's Mocha Protein Balls
Shelly's Tiramisu Protein Pudding (pureed phase)
Shelly's Coffee Caramel Nut Greek Yogurt Parfait
Shelly's Mocha Madness Protein Shake
Shelly's Coffee Cannoli Dip with Strawberries
Shelly's Irish Cream Iced Coffee Protein Shake
Espresso Pancakes (just mix a scoop into your regular or low carb pancake batter)
Shelly's Toasted Coconut Mocha Coffee Frappe
Shelly's Chocolate Chip Coffee Cannoli Cream Tarts

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Saturday, 3 September 2016

Post Weight Loss Surgery Menus: A day in my pouch

A day in my pouch is a series of blog posts to show what a typical daily menu looks like in my post weight loss surgery world. Today's healthy and delicious menu...

Breakfast: Farmer's Market Morning! I had a few items on list for recipes I plan on making this week. With the Convention over and cooler days coming I'm excited to cook and blog a bit more. Today's haul: cucumbers, zucchini and summer squash, peppers, onions, strawberries, raspberries, avocado, apples, cilantro, fig yogurt.

Southern California Farmersmarkets Saturday

Southern California Farmers Market Recipes

I had a free Starbucks coming (those early AM visits at the YWM2016 Convention added up) so I got my usual Sugar Free Vanilla Soy Latte, I got my Mum a coffee and a pumpkin muffin (I will have to make my version soon.) I had a Chai Spice Protein Ball that I had tossed in a snack sized baggie and into my purse before we left. These are soooo good...

Healthy Fitness Snacks Weight Loss Surgery Workout Bariatric Surgery Protein Powder

Shelly's Chai Spice Protein Balls

1/4 cup Quick Cook Oatmeal, dry
1/4 cup Spiced Chai Protein Powder
1/4 cup Non-Fat Dry Milk, powder
1/4 cup Coconut Flour
2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Orange Marmalade
2 Tablespoons Almond Butter
2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Torani Syrup (any will do but I used SF Vanilla)

Mix till well combined and sticky dough forms. You may have to adjust slightly if your almond butter is looser (I used fresh ground) just add a little more protein powder or if it's drier, add a little more SF syrup. Shape into quarter sized balls. Store in the fridge or freezer and pop out a few minutes to thaw before eating. Makes 18 quarter size (this batch I made slightly bigger and got 14.)

More Eggface Breakfast Recipes and Ideas

I had an unexpected errand I had to run back out for... a first world crisis... my Keurig coffee machine kicked the bucket so I had to run the Costco to get a new machine (don't you love unplanned expenses) but me without coffee = a hazard to myself and others.

All's right with my world again. Now I just need to pay the bill ;) sigh.

My DIY Coffee Bar Project

Lunch: Leftovers. I made a new version of my mini meatloaves for dinner yesterday. I have found the trick to eating leftovers as a post-op is to keep things moist. I love this gadget for that. It's the kind where you put a couple of tablespoons of water in the base and it steam heats the food. Totally keeps foods from drying out. One of the best post-op gadgets in my kitchen.

Beef Low Carb Ginger Weightloss Bariatric Fitness Healthy Health Food Menus

Shelly's Asian Mini Meatloaf

1 1/4 pounds Ground Beef (or Turkey)
1/4 cup Oatmeal
1/4 cup Milk
1 Egg, beaten
1 (14 oz bag) Coleslaw Mix (cabbage & carrot)
3 Green Onions, diced
2 teaspoons Fresh Ginger, finely minced
1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce
a few twists of Black Pepper

Soak oatmeal in milk for 1 minute (you can use almond meal or bread crumbs if you do bread) Beat egg. Add egg and soaked oats to ground meat. Saute slaw mix and green onions for about 5 minutes till it just begins to get limp. Add ginger. Saute a minute more. Set aside to cool.

Meatloaves Beef Low Carb Protein Healthy Food WLS Cooking

Add cooled veggies and all remaining ingredients. Mix till combined. Divide into 8 equal mounds. Form into mini meatloaves or if you have this super groovy pan like me use it. Bake for 45 minutes in a 350 degree oven. These freeze well either cooked or uncooked.

Fitness WLS weight loss surgery bariatric cooking menus recipes blog

More Eggface Asian Inspired Recipes
More Mini Meatloaves

Dinner: Today was so much cooler than it has been. I washed and deseeded the mini bell peppers I bought at the market and roasted them. It gave me an idea to make a spanish style "rice" dish. This will be on my menu often. It was delicious. You could add meat (chicken, turkey, beef, sausage, shrimp etc.) I didn't this time but I'm going to do this again this coming week with shrimp and sausage, a sort of a play on Paella.

Vegetarian WLS RNY VSG Weightloss Meals Cooking Food Blog

Shelly's Spanish Style Cauliflower Rice

1 Yellow Onion, diced
1 Tablespoon Garlic, chopped
2 cups of Cauliflower, riced
1 Tablespoon Tomato Paste
1/2 teaspoon Cumin
1 Teaspoon Oregano
a few twists of Black Pepper
1 cup (about 12 mini peppers) Roasted Peppers, chopped fine
1 cup Canned Diced Tomatoes, slightly drained
1-2 Tablespoons Fresh Cilantro, chopped
1/2 cup Shredded Mexican Blend Cheese
Optional: 1 cup cooked whatever protein (chicken, turkey, beef, sausage, shrimp, etc.)

Saute onion till just golden. Add garlic cook 1 minute more. Add riced cauliflower. (Break up the cauliflower into small florets. Pulse the florets a few at a time in a food processor until reduced to the size of rice grains (about 2 cups worth after whizzing) or better yet find some pre-riced (Trader Joe's, Green Giant, make fresh & frozen, either is fine), soooo much easier/less clean-up.) Place in the saute pan with a drizzle of olive oil and saute for 5 minutes stirring often. Add seasonings and tomato paste. Stir till well blended. Add tomatoes, roasted peppers and cilantro.

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Bariatric Cooking Meals Food Blog WLS VSG RNY

If you are adding cooked protein I'd do that now. Cook for 5 minutes more. Stirring occasionally. Pour into an oven safe casserole dish, top with cheese and broil 2-3 minutes till melty and gooey.

Snacks: Well I had to break in my new coffee machine a few times of course and a slice of Pretty in Pink Microwave Protein Cake topped with sliced fresh Strawberries and No Sugar Added, Homemade, Whipped Cream is dessert as soon as I hit publish on this blog post.

Happy Labor Day weekend to everyone!

Microwave Mug Cake Sugarfree Sugar Free Low Carb Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Recipes

More Eggface Dessert Recipes
More Post Weight Loss Surgery Menus

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Friday, 2 September 2016

#YWM2016 Your Weight Matters National Convention Wrap-up

Happy September Everyone! Last week I crossed the country to Washington DC to attend the 5th annual Your Weight Matters National Convention. I am lucky to serve as chair of the Convention Planning Committee as part of my service on the Obesity Action Coalition Board of Directors. This convention is especially near and dear to my heart because not only is about uniting our community for support, advocacy efforts and sharing top notch science based education which is so needed to counter the BS scams that prey on those concerned about their health and weight but it's a chance to see my tribe, my squad, my people, many of the attendees are my online friends and my personal support system. Each year at Convention I add to that support system, I meet so many inspiring, wonderful new friends and by the end of the weekend we all are truly are a family (leaving everyone is like coming home from summer camp.)

If you haven't attended a YWM Convention yet. I promise you will love it! Next year #YWM2017 will be held August 10-13, 2017 in New Orleans, LA. Sign up for e-alerts and you'll get all the event 411 as it's released in the months ahead.

2017 Obesity Action Convention Health Weight Nutrition Fitness Wellness

This year's committee planned an awesome weekend and it was exciting to see the past year's plans come to life. We had the highest attendance yet and lots of positive feedback! Yay! There's always tweaks and things we want to try new and I look forward to presenting the results of the conference surveys to the convention committee as we plan for next year.

Scroll through our Storify timelines to get a peek at the weekend: Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday and the #YWM2016 Twitter feed.

Here's some of my personal pictures from the event...

#YWM2016 YWM Health Weight Nutrition Wellness Fitness

YWM2016 Washington DC Weight Health Nutrition Fitness Wellness Event

Washington DC Obesity Action Coalition Health Weight Convention

and I had a lovely surprise. I was presented the Obesity Action Coalition Chairman's Award (icing on the cake, cherry on the sundae, so many food metaphors, what's up with that?!) I think our photographer got a picture I'll add it when I get it. Here's a lovely write up about this year's award winners. I am honored to be in their company.

**Edited to add** Here's the photo...

Chairman's Award Obesity Action Coalition OAC Annual Awards Shelly Vicari
L to R: Joseph Nadglowski, President & CEO Obesity Action Coalition, Obesity Action Coalition BODs Michelle Vicari, Amber Huett-Garcia, Chair.
Well I have so many more photos I will probably do another post at some point but I wanted to just give those that did not attend a little view into the wonderful community that we invite you to become a part of the smiling faces, learning and laughing together. Join us next year!

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