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Saturday, 6 August 2016

Instagram Pop-Up Giveaways

Be sure to follow me on Instagram. Besides the typical photos and quotes. I host Instagram exclusive giveaways. I call them Pop-up Giveaways because they pop-up when you least expect it and unlike my blog giveaways that usually last a week these pop-up giveaway are quick, you have a limited time to get in on the fun!

Like the one going on right now...

It's time for an #Eggface Pop-Up #Giveaway: FOLLOW @theworldaccordingtoeggface Instagram account, LIKE this picture then TAG a friend in the comments below & I'll select a random winner and you AND your tagged pal will win the same prize (first comment is an example) Prize: Reusable #Lunch Bag and 3 #protein #travel packets: Celebrate Vitamins Chocolate Milk ENS, Chike Mocha High Protein Iced Coffee, Quest Peanut Butter Shake and 2 protein bars: Celebrate Vitamins Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch ENS and the new Quest Oatmeal Chocolate Chip. (US mailing address only, one prize per address, must be 18, ends 11:59 PM Pacific 8/7/16, winner announced on this post on Monday 8/8/16.) Check out my #Blog www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.com www.pinterest.com/eggface for tons of #lowcarb protein packed #recipes
A photo posted by Michelle Vicari (@theworldaccordingtoeggface) on

This Pop-up Giveaway ends this Sunday 11:59 PM (Pacific)
To enter head over to Instagram and follow the instructions on how to enter.
If you don't have an Instagram account... start one... or if Instagram not your cup of tea wait for the next blog giveaway coming soon.

Stay on top of all things Eggface...

www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.com - You are here.
www.facebook.com/TheWorldAccordingtoEggface - LIKE and select "see in news feed first" or "get notifications" or you are probably only seeing 20% of those posts (Facebook wants blogs to pay to be seen more and I can't afford that so selecting one of those is your best bet)
www.pinterest.com/eggface - Oodles of recipes, organized by categories, always being added too.
www.twitter.com/eggface - Current events, news and articles of interest in the weight loss, health, obesity, fitness, nutrition, food world and live tweeting from events.
www.instagram.com/TheWorldAccordingtoEggface - Photos, Motivational Quotes, and Pop-Up Giveaways!

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