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Saturday, 25 June 2016

Best Obesity Health Blogs of the Year 2016

I am so honored that The World According to Eggface was selected by Healthline Media as one of the Best Obesity Health Blogs of the Year for the second year in a row. Blogging my weight loss journey helps me keep my head in the game and knowing you are all out there is a great comfort. I never feel alone. I've got an awesome group of people who "get it" just a few keystrokes away. Thank you for being a part of my support system.

I get so jazzed when I receive a message from a blog reader that a tip helped them or a recipe has become a family favorite. I hope the blog continues to help others in their journey, taking a little of the fear of the unknown out of life post weight loss surgery, passing along some tips for those new to this journey and OG's like me fighting the good fight, information and resources and hopefully helping to dispel some misconceptions along the way.

Please check out all of the wonderful blogs on the list (click on the badge to see complete 2016 winners list.) Some of my very favorite blogs are included. Great reads, a nice mix of education, inspiration and fun. Thank you so much Healthline for thinking the blog worthy of making the list.

Healthy Living Weight Loss Bariatric Blogging Websites The World According to Eggface Blog

P.S. I am doubly proud to say I serve on the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) Board of Directors whose blog is also on this year's list. I hope I will get to meet some of you in person at OAC's Your Weight Matters National Convention in Washington DC this summer.

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