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Sunday, 27 March 2016

Lotsa Love for Leftovers 9 - Fajita Breakfast Casserole

Post weight loss surgery when you eat out in a restaurant it's a given there will be a lot of leftovers or waste. I hate wasting food. Sometimes I have no choice if I'm headed to a movie or I'm too far from home but if I'm heading home right after a meal you better be sure the leftovers are coming home. Those leftovers can be "repurposed" and transformed into a bunch of great meals.

Repurposing: Transforming leftovers into something equally as yummy. The goal is for them to taste & look so completely different you don't realize you are having leftovers.

Ask for a to-go box when you order. I just say, "I'm not terribly hungry and I know I will need a box so can you just bring it with the food." This does two things: it makes the food usable for repurposing for anyone to consume and it solves the problem we have post weight loss surgery of servers asking "Is everything OK?" "Are you sure everything was OK?" when we only eat our small portion. Why is it they always seem to ask questions when I have my mouth full?! Tip... if possible (dining with family or friends who understand) ask your dining partner to answer the servers if they ask questions. Quickly swallowing without enough chews to answer for the third time that everything is GREAT could result in painful misery for a few hours... do yourself a favor and establish a designated talker.

Yesterday, I was jonesing for steak. I went to a local restaurant ordered a Filet Mignon with Grilled Veggies. I boxed half my order right away.

The leftovers were repurposed this morning into this delicious dish. I'm calling it Fajita Breakfast Casserole the yummy star of our Easter Sunday brunch. I served it with veggies and dip.

Shelly's Fajita Breakfast Casserole

6-8 Mushrooms, sliced
2 Green Onions, diced
3 oz.-ish Cooked Leftover Steak, chopped
1/2 cup Cooked Leftover Veggies, chopped
5 Eggs, beaten
1/2 cup Mozzarella, shredded
dash of Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper

Saute mushrooms till golden. Add onions, leftover steak, and leftover veggies (it was a combo of bell pepper, zucchini, summer squash, and white onion.) Stir till combined. Allow to cool. Beat eggs, add cheese and seasonings. Pour veggie & steak mixture into egg. Stir till well combined.

Repurposed Leftovers Steak Eggs Eggface Recipes

Pour into 2.2 qt. Pyrex baking dish that has been sprayed with nonstick spray. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Serve with fresh salsa and hot sauce.

Eggface Healthy Recipes Bariatric Low Carb Food

Shelly's Veggie & Dip Plant Pots

Small Plastic Plant Pots (I found some at the 99 cent store)
Clear Plastic 3 oz. Cups
Veggie Spears: Celery, Carrot, Cucumber, Jicama, whatever you like.
Dip (I used equal parts Spinach Artichoke Hummus and plain Greek yogurt, mixed together)

Wash pots. You can place a piece of plastic wrap in the bottom if they are not made from "food safe" materials. Place small cup filled with dip inside the pot (you may have to raise it up with a slice of cucumber) and place veggie spears all around.

Weight Loss Surgery Fitness Health Kid Friendly

These would be great healthy snacks for kid's to bring to a school party. A nice alternative to the sugar-fest that those usually are. The pots pictured were 99 cents for 4 so not too costly if you have a small class or here's an online source for 50 white ones for $15.

More Eggface Healthy Breakfast Recipes
More Eggface Healthy Snack Ideas

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