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Monday, 1 February 2016

Healthy Valentine's Day Ideas for Kids and Adults

It's tradition to give little gifts and messages to your loved ones on Valentine's Day. This usually means way too much chocolate and sugar is received and consumed. As an alternative (or at least a balanced response) here's oodles of healthy (no candy, no chocolate) Valentine's Day treats and messages to give the kids and adults in your life.

Healthy & Fun Valentine's Day Ideas: 

No Chocolate, No Candy, Valentines

Apple, Applesauce, or Freeze Dried Apple Snack - You're the apple of my eye, I love you to the core.
Banana - I'm bananas for you.
Cutie Mandarins - You're a cutie!
Cheese Sticks - Stick with me Valentine.
Nuts - I'm nuts about you! Note: Be aware of nut allergies if given out in a classroom.
Popcorn - You make my heart go pop!
Jerky - I'd be a jerk if I let you go, Valentine.

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Water Bottle w/a Drink Stick - Hope your Valentine's Day is a big splash!
Tea - You are my cup of tea. You are my strength in hot water.
Starbuck's Card - I love you a-latte.
Cocoa, Tea or Coffee - You warm my heart.
Fuzzy Socks - We make a nice pair!
Mug - I've been mugged, you stole my heart!

Valentine Sugar free

Flashlight or Glow Stick - You light up my life.
Fan - I'm your biggest fan.
Lottery Ticket - Hope you get lucky.
Sugar Free Mints - We're "mint" to be.
Tissues - I'm love sick over you.

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Shaker Bottle with Protein Travel Packet - You've got me all shook up!
Protein Bars - You're the best, bar none.
Soup Packet - I think you're "soup"er.
Ready to Drink Protein Shake - You shake me up!

Toy Dinosaur - Hope your Valentine's Day is "Dino" mite!
Toy Bug - A Love Bug for you.
Toy Car - You drive me wild!
Spinning Top - You make my head spin, Valentine.
Ruler - You rule!
Stickers - I'm stuck on you.
Bubbles - Don't burst my bubble. Be my Valentine.

Happy & Healthy Valentine's Day to all!

More Healthy Valentine's Ideas and Recipes

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