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Friday, 14 November 2014

Turnip for What?!

The weather is getting colder and with cooler temps also come a variety of foods that we tend to lean towards. We choose dishes that warm us up and are filling like soup, stew and chili are prepared more often. With this great variety of foods also come winter vegetables. One of my new favorites is the turnip.
Turnip is a root vegetable that can be found late fall and winter. It belongs to the cruciferous family (cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts) and is rich with antioxidant properties.  The leaves of the root, turnip greens, can also be eaten and are high in vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese, copper and folate. Turnips are fat free, cholesterol free and an excellent source of vitamin C. There are 34 calories in 1 cup of raw turnip. They are versatile and can be eaten raw, baked, mashed, roasted, stir fried and grilled. It is recommended to shop for the small/medium sized heavy turnips as they will have a mild taste. In general, turnips have a slight sweet, spicy, refreshing taste.
Here are some ideas of what to do with this great vegetable:

  • Add it to chili or stew instead of potatoes
  • Turnip fries - just cut in fries shape and bake in the oven
  • Shred and add to your salad
  • Add to any soup
  • Turnip mash
  • Stir fry with the rest of your vegetables
  • Turnip greens can be used in stew, soup, stir fry or even just sauteed by itself
Here are some recipes:
Sauteed turnip greens

4 cups turnip greens
1 small purple union diced
1 garlic clove minced
1 Tbsp canola oil

Heat pan to medium. Heat oil and add onion. Saute for 5 minutes until slightly brown. Add garlic and stir for 2 minutes. Add turnip greens and stir for 5 minutes or until wilted. Serve while hot

Mashed turnips

3 cups turnips peeled and diced
4 cups water
0.25 cup coconut milk or 0.25 1% milk
Dash salt 
Dash pepper

Simmer turnips in lightly salted water until soft and tender. Drain water. Add coconut milk, salt and pepper to turnips and mash. Serve as a side with chopped scallions or chives

Turnip spicy baked fries

2 lbs turnip peeled and cut in rectangular fry shape or round thin circles
Olive oil spray
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp paprika
0.5 tsp sea salt

Heat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Spread turnip shaped fries in oven tray. Spray with oil and then spread seasoning over fries. Bake in the oven until golden brown (about 30 minutes). Enjoy!

Here is a great turnip soup recipe and a good beef stew and turnip recipe
Don't shy away from this great root vegetable and next time you are at the store, pick it up and try it.

Have a great weekend!

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