Here are some healthy ways to incorporate more vegetables in your daily routine:
- For breakfast, add vegetables to your omelette such as spinach, red peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc.
- If having a breakfast burrito, consider adding salsa.
- If having a smoothie consider adding things like carrots, beets, kale, spinach, celery, etc. My favorite juice is 50/50 100% orange juice and 100% carrot juice, yum! (note; any smoothie with vegetables needs to have a good balance of fruits as well or else it will taste kind of yucky).
- Use vegetables as part of your daily snacking for example: carrots and hummus, celery and peanut butter/cream cheese, bell peppers and cottage cheese, tomatoes and Greek yogurt or just a vegetable mix (baby carrots, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers)
- When making sauces such as tomato sauce add more vegetables to it, for example: saute onion, garlic, zucchini, squash and eggplant and then add the typical tomato sauce you use. That makes for a richer, tastier sauce
- Use vegetable rich soups such as minestrone and salads as an appetizer.
- Try to create a meal based on vegetables. Consider even going meatless for one day. Examples to try: vegetable stir fry, vegetable lasagna, big salad.
- Have a side of salad each meal. Make sure you have variety so you do not get bored.
- What ever vegetable you like, take 2-3 servings of it instead of 1. Example: if you like broccoli, have 2 cups of it, not just one.
- If you like grilling, make sure you always grill some vegetables, whether they are in kabob form or not. See some ideas on previous blog or on Eating Well .
- Always have cut up vegetables visible so that you will always be reminded they are there and they can be a good grab and go option.
- Use shredded or pureed vegetables for things like muffins, cakes, meatloaf, meat balls, breads, casseroles, etc. Example of vegetables you can use: sweet potato, zucchini, carrots. Here is a zucchini, carrot apple muffin recipe.
- When having pizza, make sure you sprinkle more vegetables such as spinach, onion, mushrooms, etc.
- When you go to a party or dinner be the one that brings the vegetables. Typically that's the one thing lacking from a party.
- If you are tired and don't feel like cooking, microwave frozen veggies. They are quick and easy. In fact, it's the best "fast food" around.
- If you enjoy using the slow cooker, almost everything done in it can have added vegetables. Example: add carrots, peppers and squash to your chili.
- Stuff vegetables. Example: make stuffed peppers with meat and rice, stuff tomatoes with cauliflower mash and pesto, Stuff mushrooms with garlic, etc.
- Add diced vegetables to your tacos.
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