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Friday, 3 February 2012


Learn about music , the instruments and the orchestra.


Learn the names and hear the sound of the instruments in the orchestra

More vocabulary

Click on each family of instruments and learn about them

-Which instruments is it?

Do you want to check if you know the vocabulary?Try this activity

Can you identify the correct family for each instrument?

-How much do you know about music? Play this game to see how well the animal band plays.

-Here are twelve musical instruments. Are they string, percussion or woodwind? Paint the words to put them in the right group.

-Do you like playing Hangman?Do you play a musical instrument? Can you guess the music words here?

Listen to the same music with different instruments.To add un instrument click on a musician, then on a chair .You can also change the style by clicking the conductor.Finally click play to listen the music.


-Sing and dance to the "Shakey Shakey" song with Sam and Pam. Can you pretend to be leaves, waves and trees?First, click on the eye , the ear and the book to watch , listen and read the song words

Sing and dance to the "One-man band" song with Sam and Pam. Can you clap your hands and stamp your feet?

-"We are in an orchestra" song : sing to practice the instruments

-A little bit of everything: games, videos, a story...


Read the sory of "THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN"


-If you really like music now you can go to a several famous orchestras web pages and learn about instruments, composers , musicians that play in the orchestras , play games...



-In this video you can listen and watch the "Symphonic Orchestra of Galicia" , from La Coruña (Spain).

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